
Aujourd’hui, la consommation de thé est de plus en plus populaire dans toute l’Europe. En même temps, les avantages du thé pour la santé sont également reconnus et authentifiés.

À Taiwan, j’ai découvert les délicats thés oolong, qui contrastent fortement avec les thés noirs, mieux connus plutôt astringents du sous-continent indien, ou les thés verts en poudre et amers du Japon.

Découvrir le thé est un merveilleux voyage dans un monde riche en saveurs, en arômes et en couleurs; un voyage à travers les beaux et paisibles jardins de thé de Taiwan; un voyage qui apporte des rencontres inattendues qui s’épanouissent dans une amitié sincère; un voyage qui apporte des moments d’harmonie précieuses  dérobées du tourbillon trépidant de la vie et qui nourrit le bien-être individuel et, lorsqu’ils sont partagés avec des amis, cimentent les relations.


En vous abonnant au site web, vous pourrez régulièrement en savoir plus sur les thés de Taiwan et de Taiwan.

© 2015 Margaret Ledoux

7 réflexions sur « * * * DISCOVERING TEA * * * »

  1. Fantastic insight on tea! I would love to get a hand on your book too when I can.

    The photos are beautiful, Taiwan is truly a gem of a place!

  2. Ms. Led out,
    Congrats on your achievements and thanks for promoting tea culture back in Europe.
    I’d like to know how and where to buy your book: the spirit of tea making

  3. Hi Margaret,
    My name is David Lin. I am from Mid-Taiwan.
    I get to know your new book on The spirit of Tea Making on a website which eventually links to your blog. I am a heavy oolong drinker. Basically, I drink oolong everyday without exception. I would get hold of one copy of your new book soon. Would like to share my tea tasting experiences after complete reading of your book.
    By the way, is the photo taken at a site near Sun Moon Lake?
    David Lin

    1. Hello David, Thank you for writing and thank you for your interest in the book. I will send you a link as soon as the book is available which should be shortly. As is so often the case – things tend to take a little longer than expected!
      The photo was in fact taken in the hills not so far from Taipei in San xia District.

      Sun Moon Lake is a beautiful area and the tea there is also very special. Do you live near Sun Moon Lake? When I lived in Taiwan with my family we used to love to go there. Now I only visit Taiwan occasionally so not so many opportunities to travel around.

      Looking forward to keeping in touch

      Best regards

    1. Thank you for your comment Jennie. 🙂

      I would love to know how you felt Discovering Taiwanese tea was enlightening? Have you ever been to Taiwan? Have you tasted Taiwanese oolong?
      Best regards


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Margaret Ledoux